
Principal’s Discretionary Process


Year 7 in 2026 - information for Domestic students after the Standard Applications Close date:

Applicants must read and understand this Admissions Policy before applying. 

This policy relates to the enrolment of students in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years (IBMY) Programme (Years 7–9) at the Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology (QASMT).

This policy aligns with the department-approved Enrolment eligibility plan for QASMT External link.

Information for Late applicants:

Late Applications to commence Year 7 can be submitted through the Principal’s Discretionary Process by:

  • Students in Year 5 who have missed the Standard Applications Close date 

up until applications close. 

After this time, students should refer to Year 10 entry.

Late applicants must apply online and complete the Entrance Test, in order to be considered for vacancies, as they arise.  

Students seeking to apply through the Principal's Discretionary Process should do so at the earliest possible opportunity.

Late applicants applying through the Principal’s Discretionary Process should know:

  •  At the conclusion of the Standard Applications Process, all places available for a cohort at that time may have been offered and some candidates may be considered further in a merit pool. 
  • A late applicant who is highly capable with a record of strong academic performance (academic reports, Naplan where available and Entrance Test results), may also be considered in the merit pool.
  • While in the merit pool, the Queensland Academies Admissions Office will prompt candidates to provide updated academic evidence (reports and Naplan) as they are released.
  • Candidates in the merit pool will be considered for all vacancies that arise through to the end of Year 7.


  • A vacancy may arise where: a successful candidate is unable to accept their offer, due to normal student movement (eg family relocation), or where the number of places in a cohort is increased in response to whole-school enrolment planning.  Queensland Academies cannot pre-determine when, or how many, vacancies may become available during the Principal’s Discretionary Process for a given intake.  While vacancies may be limited, and there is no guarantee that a future vacancy will arise, it is worth noting that at all previous entry points, a number of vacancies have been considered and highly capable applicants in the merit pool have been offered enrolment.

Applying through the Principal’s Discretionary Process 

Step 1: Apply Online
Queensland Academies - Admissions will invite you to register for an Entrance Test at the next available testing opportunity.
Step 2: Sit the Entrance Test
Once Queensland Academies receive Entrance test results from Edutest, an initial assessment of academic evidence (reports, Naplan, Entrance test results) will be undertaken.

Candidates will receive:

  • Invitation to interview (should a vacancy be under consideration at that time); or
  • Notification that the application will continue to be considered through the Principal’s Discretionary Process merit pool for future vacancies; or
  • Notification of Unsuccessful outcome

Should a vacancy arise

  • All candidates in the merit pool will be considered
  • Applications are reviewed holistically, with all elements considered (academic reports, Naplan and Entrance Test results)
  • Shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview
    • Following interviews, applications are again assessed holistically (academic reports, Naplan and Entrance Test results, interview)
    • Candidate selection is based on academic merit and relative suitability
    • Candidates will receive either:
      • Invitation to interview (should a vacancy be under consideration at that time); or
      • Notification that the application will continue to be considered through the Principal’s Discretionary Process merit pool for future vacancies; or
      • Notification of Unsuccessful outcome


There are no published timelines or dates for Entrance tests, interviews and assessment for outcomes during the Principal’s Discretionary Process. These activities will occur around normal school operations and in response to vacancies arising.

It is anticipated that mid-2025 will be the earliest Entrance Test opportunity for students in the Principal's Discretionary Process seeking entry into Year 7 in 2026.

The Entrance Test

The Entrance Test is a series of tests approximately 3 hours of duration that will be facilitated by Edutest. The tests will cover both ability and achievement.

Ability tests are designed to measure a child's ability to think, reason and solve problems, without necessarily relying on prior knowledge. Ability generally predicts how quickly a child will be able to learn and the level of complexity they can comfortably deal with.

Achievement tests are designed to measure actual achievement or performance in some key academic areas. Achievement scores are influenced by a child's ability, as well as the application and practise of knowledge that has been learned.

AspectTest areaDuration
Verbal reasoning30minMeasures the ability to think and reason using words and language. This includes vocabulary, word relationships, classification and deduction.
AbilityNumerical reasoning30minMeasures the ability to think and reason using numbers. This includes series, matrices, arithmetical reasoning and deduction.
Reading comprehension30minMeasures the capacity to read and interpret meaning from written passages, as well as correct, complete and punctuate sentences.
AchievementMathematics30minMeasures year-level appropriate mathematical knowledge, including items tapping numbers, measurement, algebra, space and data.
AchievementWritten expression15minThis test assesses the ability to convey ideas clearly in written form. Punctuation, creativity, construction, grammar, spelling and relevance to the task are assessed.
Edutest will mark the tests and analyse the student results on behalf of the Queensland Academies.  For more information, and to view Edutest Terms and Conditions, please visit the Edutest website External link.

Remote Testing

Applicants who wish to sit the Entrance Test at a remote venue (ie. Other than Queensland Academies), must contact immediately upon completing your Queensland Academies application. Depending on personal circumstances and location, remote testing arrangements can take several weeks to organise.  Early contact with Edutest is strongly advised.

Entrance Test Policy

Read the full Entrance Test Policy before applying and for detailed information about:
  • Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARA)
  • Registering for an Entrance Test
  • Entrance Test dates, days, sessions and times
  • Non-attendance 
  • Request for a Deferred Entrance test
  • Medical conditions, medications and health support needs
  • Illness or misadventure
  • Items permitted in the testing room
  • Behaviour expectations on Entrance Test day

Please note that we do not distribute individual test results or parent reports. 

The application process is to enable selection of the most suitable candidate from among a cohort of highly capable students for a place at the school.  Entrance Test results are not reviewed in isolation but are considered alongside the other evidence provided in your application and the applications of other candidates, to form a holistic assessment of your student's academic ability and relative suitability for a place.  

We do not provide diagnostic information about a child’s strengths or areas for growth; please refer to your current school if you are seeking information and advice about your child’s academic progress.


Should a vacancy arise, shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an interview and may be provided with a Letter of Reference form, for completion by your child’s Principal or delegate. 

Re-interview arrangements

The Principal will reinterview a student where further information or clarity is required.

Notice of outcome, Enrolment decisions and Feedback

Outcomes will be issued by the Queensland Academies - Admissions office to applicants via email.

Parents/carers of successful candidates will be contacted by the QASMT Enrolments office to accept their offer and pay enrolment fees. 

The Principal is responsible for all decisions on selective entry enrolment.  Assessment of applications involves a number of quality assured processes to ensure every application is considered fully on its own merits as well as in relation to all other applications put forward.   The Principal's decision on selection is final.

Note: The Principal has the right to withdraw an offer of enrolment should evidence become available that the student is not able to meet expected standards of behaviour.

Given the detailed analysis that is undertaken in reviewing each application and the number of applications we receive, we are unable to give individual feedback to each unsuccessful candidate. 

Re-applying to the Queensland Academies

  • Students seeking to re-apply must seek advice from the Queensland Academies Admissions Office prior to submitting a new application.
  • A student can only submit one application to Queensland Academies in a given year. 
  • A student can only have one application to Queensland Academies under consideration at any time.
  • If a candidate who applied through the Standard Application Process in Year 5 is notified that: though they cannot be offered a place at that time, their application will be considered in a merit pool for vacancies arising through to the end of Year 7 through the Principal’s Discretionary Process, wishes to reapply when in Year 6: 
    • a candidate who feels their circumstances justify reapplication and a resit of the Entrance Test when in Year 6 must first contact Queensland Academies - Admissions (07 3377 9366) for advice.  
    • If proceeding, the candidate will need to email their request to withdraw their existing application to, before reapplying for Year 7 entry through the Principal’s Discretionary Process.  If a candidate reapplies without first seeking advice from Queensland Academies – Admissions, the existing application will be withdrawn.  The candidate can only be considered for vacancies once Entrance Test results are available.

Transfer to another Queensland Academy

It is important to note that students who successful candidates are offered enrolment for the duration of the full 6-year program at QASMT.  There is no transfer process for students from the end of the Middle school program (Year 9) at QASMT into Year 10 at either Queensland Academies Creative Industries Campus (QACI) or Queensland Academies Health Sciences Campus (QAHS).  Students seeking entry into QACI or QAHS should refer to Year 10 enrolments pathways.

Application fees

Application fee: $250.00 (non-refundable)

Please note that payments via international credit/debit cards may decline. If you are experiencing issues with this, please email  

Remote online testing incurs an additional fee. See the Edutest website External link for more details.

Refund policy: All application fees are final and non-refundable.  This includes where: an application is withdrawn; an application is submitted with incorrect information; an application is unsuccessful; an application is submitted in error, or for the wrong program; an application is submitted for a candidate who is not eligible to apply for that program; a Mid-course entry application where the Principal determines course continuity is not possible; a successful application where the candidate is unable to commence studies on the offered commencement date; an applicant is unable to complete the application process.

There is no application process for scholarships. Eligible students and their parents/carers will be contacted by the relevant Principal should opportunities arise. Applicants seeking fee relief for program and other fees are requested to contact the relevant Principal.

Ready to apply?

You need to know:

  • A student can only submit one application to Queensland Academies in a given year. 
  • A student can only have one application to Queensland Academies under consideration at any time.
  • When a student applies to a Queensland Academy, they are making a commitment to that school.  There is no transfer process for students from the end of the Middle school program (Year 9) at QASMT into Year 10 at either Queensland Academies Creative Industries Campus (QACI) or Queensland Academies Health Sciences Campus (QAHS).  Students refer to Year 10 enrolments pathways if seeking entry into QACI (Year 10) or QAHS (Year 10 or the Brilliant Futures Gold Coast Program).
  • The application process gathers information regarding the student's contact details, medical history, educational history, previous achievements and aspirations.
  • All information relevant to the student selection process that may impact on the assessment of an application must be fully disclosed (where requested in the application, or in a separate statement submitted to the Queensland Academies Admissions Office) at the time of application. Should such information become available after application submission, this must be provided to Queensland Academies as soon as possible and prior to acceptance of offer.  Note: The Principal reserves the right to cease processing an application for a future student or cease the enrolment of an existing student where entitlement to enrolment has been obtained through false or misleading statements.
  • Applicants who live or study interstate, overseas or remote from the school —please refer to Edutest remote testing service eligibility and the additional remote testing fee prior to lodging your application*
  • Siblings of current students are not eligible for automatic enrolment, and must successfully undertake the selective entry application process to be considered for enrolment.
  • Application for admission is no guarantee of an offer of enrolment and any application fee paid is non-refundable. 

Prepare your application:

Before you apply, prepare the following documentation for your online application:
  • A recent photograph of the applicant (a school ID or passport-style photo taken within the last 2 years)
  • Australian/New Zealand birth certificate details*; or overseas birth certificate details* and permanent residency visa or temporary residency visa details
  • Medical diagnosis letter/report** (where available)
  • Evidence of giftedness (where available). Formal assessment or report issued by a suitably qualified professional, school Guidance Officer or Gifted Education Coordinator. Only provide where the author of the report has given written consent to share this.
  • 2 most recent semester school reports
  • NAPLAN results where available. 

*Successful candidates must be able to show their birth certificate to the school on enrolment.  Successful temporary resident candidates must also fulfil any EQI External link requirements prior to applying, and provide current visa and Authority to Enrol details on enrolment.  

**A medical diagnosis report/letter will need to be provided if requesting special considerations (access arrangements or reasonable adjustments). Please note that special considerations requests and supporting documentation should generally be no more than 1 year old. Letters from health practitioners must be on an official letterhead and give clear information on the candidate's condition as it affects their ability to sit the entrance test, as well as any recommended adjustments.

The application will also require:

  • Parent acknowledgement that the terms of the Disclosure Policy and Privacy Statement, as noted in the application, have been read, understood and accepted
  • Payment of non-refundable application fees

All candidate applications will be acknowledged on receipt and any incomplete information/documentation will be requested before progressing the application through the selective entry process. Incomplete applications will not be progressed to the interview stages.

Last reviewed 12 March 2025
Last updated 12 March 2025