
Brilliant Futures Gold Coast Program


​​​​​​​​​​A preparation program for students wishing to commence study at Queensland Academies, Gold Coast in Year 10

Brilliant Futures Gold Coast is a preparation enrichment program designed to develop highly capable students' attributes as learners and to provide a transition engagement for students seeking enrolment with Queensland Academies, Gold Coast for Year 10. Students who are currently in Year 6 are welcome to apply.

Queensland Academies offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) ​Diploma Programme—an internationally recognised pre-university level qualification that allows subjects to be accelerated and graduating students to study at Australian tertiary institutions as well as overseas universities. The aim of all International Baccalaureate Programmes is to develop internationally minded young people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. As IB World Schools, Queensland Academies support all students to develop the attributes of the International Baccalaureate learner profile.

Please note: Brilliant Futures Gold Coast is only available to students seeking entry to Queensland Academies, Health Sciences (QAHS) Gold Coast Campus and is not transferable to another Queensland Academies campus.​ A student can submit one application only to Queensland Academies in a given year. A student can only have one application to Queensland Academies under consideration at any time.​​​


Our objectives are:

  • ​​to engage students in STEM-based enrichment activities enabling collaboration with a like-minded, highly capable cohort of peers
  • ​​​for students to experience teaching and learning with Queensland Academies, Health Sciences Gold Coast and its industry/university partners in a supportive, challenging and engaging program.​


Students will engage with expert teaching staff developing contemporary skills in collaboration, creativity, deep inquiry and research that provides a unique preparation for successful transition into Queensland Academies, Health Sciences Gold Coast Campus.

Key information

​Year 6 students are welcome to apply. Applications will be analysed and students will then sit the admissions test. It is an expectation that students demonstrate NAPLAN results in the upper two bands in the majority of components in order to proceed to the testing point: Year 3 NAPLAN reports should be submitted with the application.

Students who were not successful in gaining a place in Brilliant Futures Gold Coast, or who withdraw from the program prior to completion, would be welcome to re-apply for Year 10 enrolment as per the general process for Queensland Academies admission.

Gold Coast program

Year level
  • Application process and admissions test
  • Notification to selected students
7: Introductory year
  • Induction ceremony
  • Introductory Year Program with engagement in online and face-to-face STEM-based enrichment courses and workshops
8: Investigative year​

  • Investigative Year Program with practical hands-on application in scientific inquiry and research
  • STEM Camp
9: Pre-academy engagement
  • For students offered a placement at QAHS for Year 10
  • Enrolment interview (Final stage for Year 10 process)
  • Engagement opportunities
  • Commence QAHS Gold Coast Campus


Applicants seeking special consideration (Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments - AARA) for the entrance test - refer to our Entrance Test Policy prior to lodging your application. 

Key dates in 2025 to join the program from 2026:

Applications open​
Click here to apply
Applications close
4pm Wednesday 10 September 2025
Admissions Test—Gold Coast Campus, ​Southport
​Saturday 11 October 2025
Notification of offers
Late Term 4, 2025

The Entrance Test

The Entrance Test is a series of tests approximately 3 hours of duration that will be facilitated by Edutest. The tests will cover both ability and achievement.​

Ability tests are designed to measure a child's ability to think, reason and solve problems, without necessarily relying on prior knowledge. Ability generally predicts how quickly a child will be able to learn and the level of complexity they can comfortably deal with.
Achievement tests are designed to measure actual achievement or performance in some key academic areas. Achievement scores are influenced by a child's ability, as well as the application and practise of knowledge that has been learned.
AspectTest area​
Verbal reasoning30minMeasures the ability to think and reason using words and language. This includes vocabulary, word relationships, classification and deduction.
AbilityNumerical reasoning30min
Measures the ability to think and reason using numbers. This includes series, matrices, arithmetical reasoning and deduction.
Reading comprehension30minMeasures the capacity to read and interpret meaning from written passages, as well as correct, complete and punctuate sentences.
AchievementMathematics30minMeasures year-level appropriate mathematical knowledge, including items tapping numbers, measurement, algebra, space and data.
AchievementWritten expression15minThis test assesses the ability to convey ideas clearly in written form. Punctuation, creativity, construction, grammar, spelling and relevance to the task are assessed.
Edutest will mark the tests and analyse the student results on behalf of Queensland Academies.  For more information, and to view Edutest Terms and Conditions, please visit the Edutest webs​ite​.
Please note that we do not distribute individual test results or parent reports. 
The application process is to enable selection of the most suitable candidate from among a cohort of highly capable students for a place at the school.  Entrance Test results are not reviewed in isolation but are considered alongside the other evidence provided in your application and the applications of other candidates, to form a holistic assessment of your student's academic ability and relative suitability for a place.  

We do not provide diagnostic information about a child’s strengths or areas for growth; please refer to your current school if you are seeking information and advice about your child’s academic progress.

Entrance Test Policy

Read the full Entrance Test Policy before applying and for detailed information about:
  • Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARA)
  • Registering for an Entrance Test
  • Entrance Test dates, days, sessions and times
  • Non-attendance 
  • Request for a Deferred Entrance test
  • Medical conditions, medications and health support needs
  • Illness or misadventure
  • Items permitted in the testing room
  • Behaviour expectations on Entrance Test day​
Notice of Outcome

Outcomes will be issued to applicants via email.

Please note that we do not distribute individual test results. Test results are not reviewed in isolation but are considered alongside the other evidence provided in the application to form a holistic assessment of your student's academic ability.

The Principal is responsible for all decisions on applications.  Assessment of applications involves a number of quality assured processes to ensure every application is considered fully on its own merits as well as in relation to the strength of all other applications put forward.   The Principal's decision on selection is final.​

Given the detailed analysis that is undertaken in reviewing each application and the number of applications we receive, we are unable to give individual feedback to each unsuccessful candidate. ​

  • Application fee: $250
  • Remote online testing incurs an additional fee. See the Edutest website for more details.
  • Program fee: $250* each year (online course/standard workshop)
  • STEM Camp levy: $100–$150

* Extra and optional workshops may entail an additional fee.

Program expectations

Submission of semester report cards and NAPLAN reports as they become available.

Completion of a minimum of four workshops each year of the two-year Brilliant Futures Program. We understand that students may already be engaged in a range of extracurricular activities. Queensland Academies Gold Coast has designed the Brilliant Futures Program to complement students' school and extracurricular commitments.


We look forward to welcoming the next cohort of Brilliant Futures Gold Coast students to our Gold Coast Campus. For further enquiries contact Queensland Academies, Health Sciences Gold Coast Campus by calling (07) 5510 1100 or sending an email to​.​

Applications for the Brilliant Futures ​​Gold Coast Program 2026 -  Click here to apply​​​

Last reviewed 12 March 2025
Last updated 12 March 2025